False Alarms and Startup Weekend

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The time is getting closer and closer. The wife and I have already trekked over to the hospital twice due to early labor. The new baby isn’t due until January 30, but between the morning sickness and the anemia, my wife would be very glad to just have the baby any time now. I’m going to be very happy to have the baby is here, because it will clear the thick fog from my calendar. I’ve tried to keep the calendar relatively clear this month, because you never know when the baby will be ready to debut. This has led to a lot of shrugging shoulders and maybes on my part when scheduling meetings for my startup projects and my freelancing clients. It’s understandable, but not how I like to operate.

Speaking of meetings, the Sexy Life crew is getting together every other Wednesday evening until the start of Venture School in mid-March. We have our second bi-weekly meeting tomorrow, and we’ve all been hard at work since our last get-together. I’ve ported over the Web site to a new address and we’ve started putting together some steering documents for the group. We have four fully committed members of the team with a possible fifth, which should make for a good experience in Venture School. Going through the program on a two-person team last time meant our work loads were significantly larger. I never felt overwhelmed with the work load with Tom, but we were definitely behind the 8-ball the entire six weeks of Venture School. There were several mornings that I was putting together our presentation at 2 or 3 in the morning the day of the presentation, which I really don’t want to do this time around.

If you are in eastern Iowa and want to check out what Sexy Life is all about, we are going to present at 1 Million Cups at FilmScene on the Ped Mall in Iowa City on February 3 at 9 am. I’ll also be attending Open Coffee before the presentation, like I do every other Wednesday, when 1 Million Cups is in Iowa City. Open Coffee and 1 Million Cups in Iowa City are two events I’d like to continue attending after the new baby gets here, but we’ll see how everything goes while my wife is on maternity leave.

This morning, the organizers of Startup Weekend Cedar Rapids opened up ticket sales for this year’s event, on March 4-6. They moved it up a week from what I may have originally posted on this blog. Team Sexy Life has committed to helping some of the organizers take a break from organizing and allow them to pitch ideas or join one of the teams that forms during the event. I fully support this effort, and I’m going to do everything I can to help. Tickets for Startup Weekend Cedar Rapids are $79 through the end of January, and then go up to $89 until the event.

I’m still in a mad rush to get as much done as I can before the baby arrives. I’ve made a great deal of progress on my current projects, but there’s still a lot to do. It’s the time of year where I do most of the database work on the Gamicon Web site, since it’s about a month before the convention. I nearly have several other Web sites done, and I’m well into development of the full-featured Sexy Life Web site. In addition (if all of those projects weren’t enough), I have a couple of videos I shot in December that need to be edited. Also, I received a couple of tall file cabinets a couple of weeks ago, so I can finally finish organizing my home office.

If I don’t post again for a couple of weeks, it’s because I’m either neck-deep in work or baby tasks. Either way, I’m going to keep swimming.